NASA Calls in the Big Guns: The James Webb Telescope is Now on Asteroid Watch

NASA Calls in the Big Guns: The James Webb Telescope is Now on Asteroid Watch

Because nothing says "We take this seriously" like bringing in the most powerful space telescope ever built to keep an eye on this thing. The Webb Telescope—normally busy unlocking the secrets of the universe—has now been tasked with getting a better look at this rock and figuring out if we need to start nervously pacing in 2032.

Why Webb? Well, up until now, scientists have been relying on visible light to estimate the asteroid’s size. But Webb can measure infrared emissions, which means we’ll finally get a more precise idea of whether this thing is the size of a semi-truck or a football stadium. (Spoiler: Both are bad.)

Also, can we take a moment to appreciate that the Webb Telescope looks like a giant Minecraft beehive floating in space? Seriously, it’s got the honeycomb pattern, the golden glow—someone at NASA is clearly a fan.

Webb will be studying 2024 YR4 in March and May - probably while hoping it doesn’t have to update us with bad news. After that, the asteroid will disappear from view until 2028, meaning we’ll have a few blissful years where we can forget about it... before the existential dread sets back in.

Scientists say that even if 2024 YR4 were to hit, it would most likely land in an ocean. Which means humanity’s biggest threat might just be some very confused fish. Still, it could hit land, and if that happens, well—Merry Christmas 2032?

For now, we wait. And maybe keep an eye out for NASA job postings labeled "Planetary Defense"—because let’s be real, if this thing starts looking more serious, we're gonna need Bruce Willis and Elon Musk on speed dial.

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